"SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel." (skillsusa.org
Senior year of high school, I participated in the Nevada Pin Design competition for SkillsUSA 2022. After a rigorous process of improving my design and utilizing past knowledge, I won first place in SkillsUSA Pin Design in all of Nevada, and went onto nationals and scored 12th place! I am proud to have continuously improved upon my past experiences, and achieve the accumulation of all my efforts! 
Junior year was the Pin Design for 2021, which won silver; second place. The competition took place digitally due to COVID-19.
This was my very first SkillsUSA Pin Design, and first time ever competing in SkillsUSA. I had tied for third place, and ended up scoring fourth. Overall it was a great learning experience that would become the foundation of my future designs which would rank higher. 
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